Fees / Charges
Name Numerology
You will get a personalized detailed report covering the following things: – Balanced name, lucky numbers &dates, lucky days, destiny years, lucky colours, colours to be avoided, poojas or rituals, one’s lucky gemstone suggestions along with the correct procedure of wearing it on a particular day and time, favourable months/ years , signature, compatible/incompatible people as per one’s element, suggestions on partnerships , strengths and weaknesses and affirmations.
+ Payable For People Staying Outside India - USD 150
+ Payable For People Staying in India - INR 6,000
Baby Name Numerology
Only best lucky name as per the date of birth. 1 additional lucky name will also be suggested.
You will get a personalized detailed report covering the following – Balanced name, lucky numbers &dates, lucky days, destiny years, lucky colours, colours to be avoided, poojas or rituals, one’s lucky gemstone suggestions along with the correct procedure of wearing it on a particular day and time, favourable months/ years, signature, compatible/incompatible people as per one’s element, suggestions on partnerships, strengths and weaknesses and affirmations.
+ Payable For People Staying Outside India - USD 150
+ Payable For People Staying in India - INR 6,000
Vehicle/Flat/Angel Number Numerology
You will get the registration number of your vehicle, house, etc. Consultation is done only through email phone call only. No personal consultation. You will be given choices of 5 numbers only.
For understanding the angel numbers or repetitive number patterns following you, it will be a telephonic discussion.
+ Payable For People Staying Outside India - USD 40
+ Payable For People Staying in India - INR 1,500
Business Name Numerology
You will get a detailed report covering the following things: – Balanced business name as per numerology, suggestion for lucky registration date, lucky dates, lucky colours, various Vaastu aspects for office, etc. The report will also cover Individual Name Numerology Report of business owner/s if you choose do numerology for all partners by paying separately. One individual name numerology report included in this offer.
+ Payable For People Staying Outside India - USD 300
+ Payable For People Staying in India - INR 15,000
Past Life Healing In-Depth Card Reading
Be it repetitive emotional patterns or unhealed physical ailment; you can decipher the root cause with the help of past life card reading sessions and how to heal and set yourself free from them.
If you find any repetitive pattern in your life that’s disturbing you, or you would like to know if there are any past life blockages, then you can connect with me for a 90 mins in-depth session.
+ Payable For People Staying Outside India - USD 88
+ Payable For People Staying in India - INR 3,000
Mediumship Channeling In-Depth Card Reading
Words can’t express the loss of a loved one. Their absence can never be replaced by any other. The loss can be traumatic or difficult to process if it is sudden without any illness or hospitalisation.
The death of a loved one can turn out to be a transformational experience for you.
If you feel that you want to connect to your passed over loved one, connect with me for a 90 min in-depth session to know what messages they have for you.
+ Payable For People Staying Outside India - USD 88
+ Payable For People Staying in India - INR 3,000
Soul Path / Career In-Depth Card Reading
Do you want to discover your true purpose?
Or is it that you feel stuck in your current job? Do you think that you are here for something better? Do you have innate skills which stay unutilised? As a result, there is no sense of expansion in your career?
Then book the 90 min session and see what’s in store for you.
+ Payable For People Staying Outside India - USD 88
+ Payable For People Staying in India - INR 3,000
Healing Through Relationships Card Reading
Every relationship is a platform for new learning.
The most important thing to learn in any relationship, is not to hold the other person responsible for your pain but try to understand what the energies are trying to communicate. The other person is only a mirror for you to see your wounds. You are responsible for how you feel. Nobody else is.
Are you experiencing any conflict or pain in any relationship? Do you want to free yourself from that? If you need any guidance connect with me for a 90 min session.